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We’re new here. Not new. But new here. I’d like to introduce us. 

The Honeycomb Works is a development partner for organisations who are tackling big changes with clever strategies but are struggling to adapt. We study their values and culture, then apply the science of behaviour change to make a lasting impact. 

We started building something at a company called Reed Learning that people told us was special - The Honeycomb. We believed in it so much, we decided to launch a company devoted to it.

We arrived at The Honeycomb by talking to a lot of people: L&D managers and HRDs of course, but also brand new managers, CEOs, people in their first jobs out of university, people who have been in the same role for years and love it, mid-career people panicking because their company is restructuring and department heads wrestling with linking the big picture strategy to their immediate responsibilities. 

Some of the things we heard:

“Our values are stuck on the wall...but that’s it.”“I don’t know how what I do contributes to the business.”

Development programmes are leaving people without context, and without motivation to change.

“I don’t have time to apply any of the training. I’m overwhelmed!”“There is no way I’m going to be able to put this into practice.”

If people change what they know, but not their behaviour will there be any impact?

“If I don’t get this organisation to innovate, we won’t survive past the next few years.”“My team needs to be seen as a trusted partner. Right now, they are seen as the enemy.”“I couldn’t figure out why nobody was listening to what I was saying.”

What makes organisations successful has changed and too much of what is targeted for development hasn’t. Collaboration is essential, management needs to create a culture in which innovation can thrive, and a diverse workforce means a stronger bottom line. 

The Honeycomb is a behavioural framework identifying what’s important, a development map showing your gaps, and a learning experience that utilises techniques that drive behaviour change. 

When I say we are not new but new here, I mean we’ve been working on this for a while, testing, getting feedback and retooling. We’re ready to expand and we’d love to explore what The Honeycomb could do for you. 

So, can we help?

Melissa SabellaComment